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Petr Saska
Litohoř 159
email: pesas@seznam.cz
tel: +420 568 420 114
mobil: +420 775 942 925
GPS: 15° 45' 49.161''  E
          49° 04' 03.716''  N



-  Prices include tax.
-  Our rates can be discuss in person and are adjustable dependson the work you want us to provide.

-  Complete diagnostic on Mercedes Benz including diagnostic record          500,- Kc

-  Work on Mercedes Benz / Daimler-Chrysler               350,-Kc/per hour

-  Complete diagnostic on other vehicles including diagnostic record          400,- Kc

-  Diagnostic on other vehicles         250,-Kc

-  Work on other vehicles                        250,-Kc/per hour